With the recent pandemic of Covid-19 lots of my brides have had to postpone their wedding day to a later date this year, or for some, a year away in 2021. Whilst I understand it is absolutely heartbreaking to not be walking down the aisle on your original date, don't let it slip on by without some form of recognition and dare I say it, party! Even if that only consists of the two of you, with a pizza in front of Netflix!
Read on for some ideas of things to do to mark the occasion - because you know what? Any excuse for a party and right now we could all do with as many happy moments as possible!
Makeup@ellehitchensmakeup/// Pic@emsfreckles///
1. Write down 10 things you love about each other or things that currently make you happy. Tell each other over your favourite meal, whether that be breakfast, lunch or dinner!
2. Cook together. Were you really looking forward to that starter or did that dessert sound like the best thing ever? Find a recipe online and go for it, have backup pizza in case it all goes wrong!! Don't sweat it - it doesn't need to be perfect.
3. Make a playlist of your ultimate wedding disco (chances are you may already have this anyway) play it loud and get ready for a kitchen disco! If you don't have one and can't be bothered to make one then I have uploaded a playlist for all my brides who have had to postpone - check your emails or if you'd like a link to this DM me
4. Do something that will make a memory, whether it is starting and finishing a difficult puzzle. (On our 12 year wedding anniversary this year we spent all weekend doing a "Where's Wally" jigsaw. True story. Romance is not dead in our house!) Or perhaps a memory book from all your favourite pictures over the last year during the wedding planning. There are lots of online companies with templates you can use and then they send you a book of your snaps!
5. Get on Zoom, House Party or similar apps and invite people on your guestlist. Bonus points if they wear their wedding outfits!!
6. I'm trying to do this one EVERYDAY! ...Do your hair and makeup and wear your best outfit - whatever it is that day that makes you feel EXTRA! Be that sequins, your favourite dress or something you saved for honeymoon (sod it - you've got time to buy another outfit).
7. Crack open that wine delivery, if you haven't anyway by now! You might have been saving that big bottle of bubbly for the wedding day but your original wedding date IS a special occasion! Pop those corks!
8. Get outside, if possible - be in nature. If you're lucky enough to have some outside space then make sure you get some fresh air and make a note of the weather - is it perfect or did it rain?
9. Go on a Google Earth tour of your honeymoon destination! For me this is late night insomnia activity but actually it's really fun! Virtually walking down a street on the other side of the world is so interesting. Stroll past that restaurant you had a recommendation for - what does it look like? Imagine yourselves there for an hour or two.
10. Don't stress. It didn't turn out the way you wanted it too, on this day anyway.. but the bigger picture is that when it does come around you will have had extra time to plan, prepare, dream, save, make changes and diet (sack that off for now though - where are the Maltesers?) Also when it does come around imagine how much more everyone will be feeling excited and ready to party. The relief and joy that you're all finally there safe and together will be immense!
I'd love to hear how you'll be celebrating and marking your original wedding day.. Tag me in any pics and feel free to share your own ideas.
Elle xx
This post was inspired by the wonderful wedding planner @laurenalexanderweddings